
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Make It, Take It

If you are playing half court basketball at the park or the gym, there is only one way to play:

Make it, take it.

I don't know where this way to play came from, or when it started, but it's the only appropriate way to play basketball  in pickup. Alternating possession after scores is weird and awkward, much like your buddy who plays basketball three times a year but for some reason has a shooting sleeve and a knee brace.

The only scenario in which not using Make it, Take it is acceptable is if you're playing full court basketball. Make it, Take it would interrupt the flow of the game.

If you're worried about never getting the ball on offense, suck it up. That might happen. Play better defense. Get a different squad. Do something. But don't be the schmuck that insists on getting the ball after another team scores. It's lame. If you want the ball, go get the ball. Then keep it.

It's how pickup basketball is played. If you're a father, teach your kids. If you're an older sibling, teach it to your younger brother or sister. Pass this down among our generations.

On the playground, in the gym, on the street, we play Make it, Take it.